A unique, touch-based racing game developed by RedLynx, the creators of Trials HD, DrawRace 2: Racing Evolved is the groundbreaking sequel to the critically acclaimed DrawRace and improves on its predecessor in every way, from the inclusion of a new turbo button, a host of online options, and new, highly detailed 3D tracks.
**Runs beautifully on tablets**
• Huge single player campaign with over 180 challenges, a gymkhana skill game and tons of content to unlock.
• Realistic car physics, learn how each one handles and find the perfect racing line.
• Gorgeous, highly detailed 3D tracks featuring ramps, slopes and tilts to test your driving skills.
• Drive everything from Arctic Rally cars, to V12 Supercars in your quest to become the champion.
• Race against your friends with hot seat or online through the all-new Friend Challenge mode.
• Use the Turbo Button wisely to gain the edge over your opponents.
View on Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chillingo.drawrace2gplay.android.row
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